Monday, 19 December 2011



Saturday, 24 September 2011

Lyrics to Lethal Bizzle - Police on my back

Song Lyrics

Analysis of an magazine advert

Magazine Analysis

Unfortunately the picture did not come up on the document once put on scribd so this is the magazine advert used for the analysis.

Wednesday, 21 September 2011

Technical Analysis of music videos

I watched this video a few times before i decided that it would be something i would consider doing. I enjoyed the long shots of the action taking place and the close-ups of the performers face to show the emotion of someone who is in the situation.  The long-shots appealed to me the most as i found it was not like some music videos where the cameras attention is on the performer/actor not the cause of the action. It gave a narrative feel to it.
The mise-en-scene in the video was very striking and made a great connection between the protagonist and antagonists. The fox hunters and the fur hood on the performers jacket although the connection is not made obvious until the end it keeps the audience intrigued as to why there is fox hunters chasing him. Much of the audience may of been shocked at first sight as the song title implies police not fox hunters. As i decided that my music video is to be quite physical i thought this music video would help me to decide on what type of shots i would use and all though i enjoyed the mise-en-scene connection i wasn't sure how i was going to use that for my idea.

With this music video i concentrated more on the landscape and how was portrayed by the camera shots and lighting. Lighting was very important for me to look at as i was planning on filming at night but with the equipment and budget i had it wasn't going to be an easy thing to accomplish well. This music video puts a lot of lighting down to the 'street' lights and buildings as well as the car lights. This helped me think of locations that included strong street lights and also how i was to use the car lights as a tool as well as just an appearance thing.
The video is also filmed in point of view shot of the dog which i also found useful for my idea as it is to be about what the character is seeing. The blurring and discolouring of the shots made me think on how i can make his point of view be more apparent to the audience.